- University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA
Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology. - Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
M.S. in Molecular Biology. - Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
B.A. in English.
- Dean, School of Natural and Applied Sciences: August 2018-June 2023, Franciscan University of Steubenville
- Chief Scientific Officer: Dec 2016-present, Franciscan Regenerative
- SCIO Visiting Scholar in Science and Religion: Summer 2015 and 2016, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, England
- Regenerative Medicine Consultant: May 2015-present, Human Regenerative Technologies
- Co-Director, Franciscan Institute of Science and Health: August 2013-present, Franciscan University of Steubenville
- Professor of Biology: August 2001-present, Franciscan University of Steubenville
- Co-Coordinator, Science and Faith Speaker Series: August 2012-present, Franciscan University of Steubenville
- Legislative Assistant: April 2001 –August 2001, Rep. Ralph Regula (R), Washington, DC
- Policy Analyst: August 2000 –April 2001, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Washington, DC
- Postdoctoral Researcher: January 2000 –July 2000, University of California, Berkeley
Regenerative Medicine Research
Knee osteoarthritis a common, debilitating condition that is estimated to affect nearly 27 million adults in the United States. Given the nature of this condition, regenerative medicine options hold much promise for treatment. Two common treatment options are fat tissue injections, which represent an abundant source of adult stem cells, and platelet-rich plasma injections. To further the development of such treatments, undergraduate students have been pursing a number of projects. The first involves analyzing and developing new methods to isolate high yields of healthy stem cells from adipose tissue. The second involves determining the effects that activated platelets and other biologics have on gene expression, protein secretion and cell division/growth of adipose-derived stem cells. Finally, we are pursuing animal models of osteoarthritis to test the efficacy of different combinations of these biologics to treat the disorder.
Research with Seizure Disorders
Millions of people in the US suffer from epilepsy, a heterogeneous collection of disorders that all involve spontaneous recurrent seizures that have no known trigger. Unfortunately, the etiology of epilepsy is poorly understood particularly given the diverse categories of genes that have been implicated in this disease. In order to understand the underlying cause of seizure disorders such as epilepsy, we study a family of seizure susceptible Drosophila mutants that are known as the Bang-sensitive (BS) paralytic mutants. Uncovering the underlying causative defect in these mutants represents the major line of investigation in our lab. Recently, we have demonstrated that metabolic alterations can have profound effects on seizure susceptibility in the BS mutants. Specifically, we have found that mutations and drugs that increase metabolism can reduce seizure intensity and duration. Undergraduate students, many of whom have presented at national meetings or have been authors on scientific publications, have performed all of this work. Currently we are examining the effect dietary changes have on seizure susceptibility as well as how the expression of metabolic genes is altered by various diets and pharmacological treatments. We hope that a better understanding of the link between metabolism and seizure susceptibility will shed light on the physiological defect(s) underlying seizure disorders in general.
- Kuebler, D. (2019) Maintaining virtue in modern scientific practice: providing a foundation to move forward. In C. Deane-Drummond, T. A. Stapleford, and D. Narvaez (Ed.), Virtue and the Practice of Science: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Ch 9), Center for Theology, Science, and Human Flourishing, University of Notre Dame.
Link: https://virtueandthepracticeofscience.pressbooks.com/ - Radlicz, C., Chamber, A., Olis, E., and Kuebler, D (2019) The addition of a lipid-rich dietary supplement eliminates seizure-like activity and paralysis in the Drosophila Bang sensitive mutants. Epilepsy Research, 155: 106153.
Link: doi.org/10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2019.106153 - Scarpone, M., Kuebler, D, Chambers, A. DeFilippo, C.M., Amatuzio, M., Ichim, T.E., Patel, A., and Caradonna, E. (2019) Isolation of clinically relevant concentrations of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells without centrifugation. J Trans Med, 17:10. doi:10.1186/s12967-018-1750-x.
- Kuebler, D. (2018) After Galileo: Modern science has deep parallels with theology. Church Life Journal. Oct 15.
Link: https://churchlifejournal.nd.edu/articles/after-galileo-modern-science-has-deep-parallels-with-theology/ - Irvin, J., Danchik, C., Rall, J., Pine, M., Barnaby, D., Pathakamuri, J., and Kuebler, D. (2018) Bioactivity and composition of a preserved connective tissue matrix derived from human placental tissue. Journal of Biomedical Material Research: Part B Applied Biomaterials, 106(8):2731-2740. doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.34054.
- McLaughlin, M., Gagnet, P., Cunningham, E., Yeager, R., D’Amico, M., Guski, K., Scarpone, M., Kuebler, D. (2016) Allogeneic platelet releasate preparations derived via a novel rapid thrombin activation process promote rapid growth and increased BMP-2 and BMP-4 expression in human adipose-derived stem cells. Stem Cells Int. 7183734.
- Stone, B., Burke, B., Coleman, J., Pathakamuri, J., and Kuebler, D. (2014) A low-cost method for analyzing seizure-like activity and movement in Drosophila. Journal of Visual Experimentation, Feb 19;(84):e51460.
- Stone, B., Kaercher, L., Coleman, J., and Kuebler, D. (2013) Alterations in metabolism suppress seizures in the Bang-sensitive paralytic mutants. Brain Reseacrh 1496:94-103.
- Kuebler, D. and Fowler, T. (2013) “A Brief History of Evolutionary Thought.” in Intelligible Design. Ed. Gonzalo, J., and Carreira, M. London: World Scientific Publishing.
- Whelan, J., Burke, B., Rice, A., Tong, M., and Kuebler, D. (2010) Sensitivity to seizure-like activity in Drosophila following acute hypoxia and hypercapnia. Brain Research 1326: 120-128.
- Kuebler, D. (2008) Book Review of Creation and Evolution: A Conference with Pope Benedict XVI in Castel Gandolfo. Faith and Reason 23(1): 205-213.
- Kuebler, D. (2008) Book Review of Chance or Purpose: Creation, Evolution, and a Rational Faith. Faith and Reason 23(1): 214-219.
- Kuebler, D., Fowler, T. (2007) The Evolution Controversy. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.
- Kuebler, D. (2006) Putting evolution in its place: How to make students receptive to evolution. Forum on Public Policy 2(4):823-34.
- Kuebler, D, and Tanouye, M.A. (2002) Anticonvulsant valproate reduces seizure-susceptibility in mutant Drosophila, Brain Research 958(1): 36-42.
- Zhang, H., Tan, J., Reynolds, E., Kuebler, D., Faulhaber, S., Tanouye, M.A. (2002) The Drosophila slamdance gene: A mutation in an aminopeptidase can cause seizure, paralysis and neuronal failure. Genetics 162(3): 1283-99.
- Kuebler, D., Zhang, H., Ren, X., Tanouye, M.A. (2001) Genetic suppression of seizure susceptibility in Drosophila. J. of Neurophysiology 86:1211-1225.
- Kuebler, D., Tanouye, M.A. (2000) Modifications of seizure susceptibility in Drosophila. J. of Neurophysiology 83:998-1009.
- Kuebler, D., Rao, V. (1998) Functional analysis of the packaging/terminase protein Gp17 from the bacteriophage T4. J. of Molecular Biology 281(5):803-814.