Jim Wessel possesses over 38 years of major software development and acquisition management experience among the varied DoD Services and industry partners, providing expert consultation in best software engineering practice within major software intensive system program settings. This includes the emergent software engineering areas of the Cloud, Agile, Digital Engineering, DevSecOps and Cybersecurity. On varied topics of Software Engineering he has published and presented at conferences.
James Wessel has been a member of the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute (SEI) for over the past 16 years. During this period he created and provided software engineering courses for FUS undergraduates for over the last five years. Prior to the SEI, Mr. Wessel provided software system acquisition management support within U.S. Army Program Executive Offices and research programs as a MITRE Corporation employee. Prior to this period he worked within industry’s energy sector. Mr. Wessel holds a MS degree in Software Engineering.