- Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Notre Dame May 2009;
Advisor: Julia Knight - M.S. in Mathematics, University of Notre Dame May 2006
- B.S. in Mathematics, University of Notre Dame May 2004
Academic Employment
- Associate Professor, Franciscan University of Steubenville Fall 2018-present; Responsible for teaching twenty-four credits per academic year while providing service to the college and community, and engaging in professional development.
- Assistant Professor, Franciscan University of Steubenville Fall 2015-present; Responsible for teaching twenty-four credits per academic year while providing service to the college and community, and engaging in professional development.
- Assistant Professor, Saint Vincent College Fall 2009-Spring 2015; Responsible for teaching twenty-four credits per academic year while providing service to students, college and community, and engaging in professional development.
- Faculty Fellow, Colby College Fall 2008-Spring 2009; Responsible for teaching four classes per academic year while conducting research and participating in the life of the department.
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Notre Dame Fall 2004-Spring 2008
Teaching Experience
- Instructor, Franciscan University of Steubenville Fall 2015 – present
Taught a survey of mathematics course for liberal arts students satisfying their core requirement; calculus for business majors; and abstract algebra, ring theory, linear algebra, and discrete mathematics for mathematics, computer science, and pre-engineering majors. - Instructor, Saint Vincent College Fall 2009 – Spring 2015; Taught first, second and third calculus courses, all for math, science or engineering majors; and first and second calculus courses for business, biology, and pharmacy majors. Also a methods of proof transition course for math majors and minors; linear algebra; and a first semester of abstract algebra.
- Instructor, Colby College Fall 2008 – Spring 2009; Taught an intro to mathematical logic course for math majors, and a second calculus course. Also, a calculus with pre-calculus course, which started in the fall semester and continued into the January term, covering the same material as a regular first calculus course but with more background and thus requiring more time.
- Instructor, University of Notre Dame Summer 2006 – Fall 2007; Taught an introductory calculus course for first-year business students. Also twice taught a terminal calculus course for arts and letters students, intended for an audience with math backgrounds which are insufficient for business, science, or engineering calculus, and students required permission from the dean to enroll.
- Faculty Advisor of the Mathematics Club Spring 2012 – Spring 2015; Helped with the creation of a student-run Math Club at Saint Vincent College and was responsible for presenting at some meetings, reserving rooms, and general advising of the student officers.
- Faculty Liaison for Student Activities Fall 2008 – Spring 2009; Responsible for suggesting, organizing, and approving student activities and events, either math-related or math major supporting. Also responsible for posting problems, correcting solutions and notifying students in the Colby College instance of a national mathematics competition.
- Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award for Excellence in Teaching Spring 2007; Received an award from the University of Notre Dame Kaneb Center for Teaching and Learning recognizing graduate students who are nominated by their department for excellence in teaching, based on faculty observations and student evaluations.
Select Publications
- “Family as Vocation; Work as Mission”, S. B. Quinn, and C. Safranski, Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Volume 8 Issue 2 (July 2018), pages 106-114.
- “Describing free groups”, J. Carson, V.S. Harizanov, J.F. Knight, K. Lange, C. McCoy, A. Morozov, S. Quinn, C. Safranski, and J. Wallbaum, Trans. of the Amer. Math. Soc., 364 (2012) 5715-5728.
- “The computable embedding problem”, J. Carson, E. Fokina, V.S. Harizanov, J.F. Knight, C. Safranski, S. Quinn, and J. Wallbaum, Algebra and Logic, 50 (2012), pp 478-493.
Full List
- “Classes of Ulm type and coding rank-homogeneous trees in other structures”, E. Fokina, J.F. Knight, C. Safranski, A. Melnikov, and S.M. Quinn, J. of Symbolic Logic, 76 (2011), pp 846-869.
- “Automorphisms of certain groups and semigroups of matrices”, M. Alwill, C-K. Li, C. Maher, and N-S. Sze, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 412 (2006), pp. 490-525.
Department Faculty